Friday, February 19, 2010

Write it down!

We met the dietitian this morning. I surely had a revelation by writing down everything I eat. I know now that I eat for entertainment. When I am bored, I eat. I don't consciously walk into the kitchen, I do it on automatic pilot--my body just goes to the frig or freezer with my brain almost unaware. CRAZY ! Now I ask myself "What on earth am I doing in the kitchen?" !! I don't want to write down ice cream and cookies.

And, for sure, there are rewards there, just calling my name. My husband LOVES ice cream with fudge sauce and bananas and nuts with chocolate chip cookies. And without those treats, he feels deprived and that is no good for me because I love him and want to make him happy. So I am constantly planning strategies to circumvent the siren sound of yummy treats for myself. So far I have done OK, but that is my struggle.

I have read that one's diet begins at the grocery store. I totally believe it.

Anyway, it was great to see nearly everyone at the meeting this morning. I love this adventure we are on together. I loved hearing the comments and questions this morning and I love the blogs everyone writes. They give me encouragement and insight into myself. You make me feel not alone in this modern battle of too much edible temptation. Thanks to everyone for their involvement, enthusiasm, and willingness to share of themselves.


  1. Mary...
    Thanks for the comment on my blog...
    I know what you mean about the food "calling to you" but like I posted & said in the class this morning: eating or drinking that ONE thing will mean that you have to give up something else that you have worked hard for, whether it is a pound or two, more time at the gym or a size difference....keep being strong & just know that you can tame that wild food beast inside you!! :)

  2. You are an inspiration when it comes to keeping that food diary. I'm going to keep reading your blog over and over to get me more motivated. :-)
    Have a great week!!
