Sunday, February 21, 2010

Exercise in the snow

I went with Bonnie and Lori, two of my daughters, for a wonderful, cold walk in the snow this morning along the Provo River. It was beautiful. I am so grateful to have them exercising with me so we can cheer each other on. I am pretty tired--they are younger and more fit than I am. But they are wonderfully patient with me. When we finished we stopped in at Lori's house and had a wonderful herbal peppermint tea in her lovely china tea cups. I felt just like I was in a Jane Austin novel.

I have managed to keep my food diary up to date and as I go. But the little books the dietitian gave us don't work for me. I have a notebook and use a page for each day. That way I don't have to worry if I eat a lot of different low calorie things, which I usually do. I also track my exercise and weight on the same page as the food since there is plenty of room.

All in all, today was a good day for me. I certainly appreciate reading the blogs everyone writes. They really let me know that others are doing it and so can I. Thanks for your help.


  1. I am so glad to hear you had a great day!! I agree with the food diary. The book they gave us is entirely too small to keep track of our food.

    I hope that this week is a FANTASTIC week!!

  2. thanks for all your nice comments mary, your doing great keep it up

  3. Keep up the good work. I admire all your hard work and positive attitude!!!

  4. Mary, you do not look like you are the age you are. You are so cute and working so hard. I am really proud of you and I'm sure your family is too. Thanks for your comments on my blog. :-)

  5. Mary!!
    Fun to chat tonight!!
    you have such a postive attitude, thanks, it gives me the energy I need!!!
    Good luck & I may copy your notebook idea!! I LOVE the idea!!!
    See you Friday (if not before!!)
